As I prepared to move across the country (back in 2004), I decided to start a blog for family and friends to keep up with me. Now it's the place where I dump my brain - for good and for bad. And you get to participate in my mess!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've been losing weight... and didn't even mean to!

One of the side effects of being sick in January was that i started losing weight. Now i'm down many pounds (haven't counted) and dress sizes**!!

Here are some pics:
From September 2004, during Welcome Week:

From March 2006, during Spring Break trip to Disneyland:

** Why do we call them dress sizes when it's not just dresses that use those sizes??

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Disneyland in T-minus 3 days and counting...

Michelle and i are headed to our favorite place for a couple of days of R-n-R-n-R-n-R.
Rest & relaxation & rides & reconnecting!!

i call her my best friend... and i haven't really spent any time with her all quarter!! Geez! So... 2.5 days in sunny Anaheim should help to correct this problem.

So, i went on to check out the forecast... WooHoo!! It's gonna be sunny and in the 60's!! I might come back from this little mini-vaca with a tan!!! Or at least some more freckles!!

Have i mentioned that i love Mickey Mouse?!?!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So... ok... to be ordained, i have to pass several exams (i talked about the Ord exams awhile ago).

Today, i got back my results from the Bible Content Exam (mentioned in #5). You need a 71 to pass... and all that really matters is that you pass.

i got a 79!!!! i passed!!!!!

i know that it's not an amazing score (79/100)... but i don't care!! i passed!!!


Sunday, March 05, 2006

New preaching date...

So... I was planning on preaching today... but that changed awhile ago because of a guest preacher scheduled for later this month. I hadn't really put any effort into rescheduling. I knew I needed to... I knew that I should. But I was putting it off... and not deciding on anything... avoiding what I knew I needed to do. (And, really, somewhere deep inside, I want to!)

So... today, during Ross's sermon, I was convicted. I need to stop avoiding this... and so, I told Ross I'd preach Palm Sunday or the Sunday after Easter.

He agreed with Palm Sunday. So... I'm preaching on Sunday, April 9th @ 10:15am at First Pres Chruch in Burbank. I'm scared to death, and wasn't planning on telling anyone... but now I realize that I need to share this.

I covet your prayers as I prepare. And, against my own wishes, I'm inviting friends to be there. I don't want an army... but it would be nice to have people I know and trust there to support me.

My scripture choices will come from the Lectionary. Since it's Palm Sunday, I have 2 sets of texts to choose from:

Liturgy of the Palms - Usually for churches that worship at least one other time during Holy Week (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday)
Hebrew Bible:
Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Gospel: Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16

Liturgy of the Passion - Usually for churches that are not worshiping on MT or GF. This squishes ALL of Holy Week onto ONE SUNDAY!
Hebrew Bible: Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm: Psalm 31:9-16
Epistle: Philippians 2:5-11
Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47 or Mk 15:1-47

Thankfully, my church is worshiping on Maundy Thursday - so I don't have to follow the Liturgy of the Passion unless I want to.