As I prepared to move across the country (back in 2004), I decided to start a blog for family and friends to keep up with me. Now it's the place where I dump my brain - for good and for bad. And you get to participate in my mess!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

*Whew* A lot has happened...

...since I last posted.


1. Christmas with the fam was great! One of the highlights was the pastor at my parents' church (HI Jesse!) gave me a pastor's robe! Yikes! This is becoming more real...

2. Flew back to LA for New Years... and got REALLY sick. Almost had pneumonia. Missed the first 1.5 weeks of school.

3. Flew BACK to Orlando for my brother's wedding!! That will get a post of it's own, once I have some pictures... It was wonderful.

4. Flew BACK to LA and decided that, having missed 2 full weeks of classes, I could not begin to catch up... and so dropped my classes. Before anyone freaks out about this - it's really been one of the best decisions I've made in awhile. Again... I'll write a whole post about this soon.

5. I took the Bible Content Exam on Feb 3rd. This exam is 100 questions of Bible trivia and obscure details that my brain doesn't like. Now, don't get me wrong - I think knowing scriptures is INCREDIBLY important! But... I'm not sure if knowing, off the top of my head, that Jeroboam the 2nd was king while Amos was prophesying will help me much - especially since I don't know much about that king. But... I have to get a 71% to pass... and I won't know that for another 2 months. Who knew that it took 2 months to score a ScanTron sheet?!?! (Note the sarcasm!)

6. Got a job at school. More hours... good work.

7. Talked to my pastor about possibly working at the church and going to school part-time. More about this in the same post I refer to in #4.

8. Committed to preach SOON - probably March 5th (although Ross hasn't confirmed that yet). This has me scared... beyond belief... Again... I think it'll take a post of it's own... (=

9. The last post that I plan to write is about a relationship epiphany I had...

It's been a busy time... and I will share it with you, my fans, shortly! Probably one or 2 more tonight, before I go to sleep!


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