As I prepared to move across the country (back in 2004), I decided to start a blog for family and friends to keep up with me. Now it's the place where I dump my brain - for good and for bad. And you get to participate in my mess!

Friday, June 08, 2007

I'm having a bad day...

It's going to be a hectic day at work... and I was anxious before I even got to campus today...

And then it hit me. I'm supposed to be graduating tomorrow.

All the people that I started with... many are already graduated (last year with a 2-year degree) or are graduating tomorrow.

And I'm not.

IknowIknowIKNOW that I'm not supposed to be graduating. IknowIknowIKNOW that I am within God's will for me that I take my time and pay for school as I go, so I don't incur a huge amount of debt. IknowIknowIKNOW that there are great things for me on the horizon...

But it doesn't stop my heart from aching to be wearing my cap, gown and hood today and tomorrow.