As I prepared to move across the country (back in 2004), I decided to start a blog for family and friends to keep up with me. Now it's the place where I dump my brain - for good and for bad. And you get to participate in my mess!

Monday, August 29, 2005

I can't believe it!

I just finished my Greek final. Provided I do as well as I think I did - I'll get 12 units of A for this class!! And, I'm officially finished my first year of seminary!

How in the world did that happen?? I am constantly surprised by what I've learned and how I've grown in the last year. I don't feel any different, unless I stop and think about it. And then I realize how much has changed... in me.

Anyway - I won't get all heavy right now - but it's been amazing. Right now I'm off to home to start packing... yes, START packing. Yes, I know, I'm leaving at 5am tomorrow... I really should have packed already... but, as my mom can testify, I tend to leave packing until the very last minute. Which is odd, since I tend to be such a planner, in general.

Oh well... Check out the Trip Blog (link over there ---> ) to keep up with me and Michelle and our fantastic road trip!

And leave a comment or 2!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for an update, jenn. you've experienced too much since aug 29 for silence. :) r

23 September, 2005 12:24


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