As I prepared to move across the country (back in 2004), I decided to start a blog for family and friends to keep up with me. Now it's the place where I dump my brain - for good and for bad. And you get to participate in my mess!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm such a klutz!!

For anyone reading this who DIDN'T already know this... now you do.

Ask me about my stories (like in a comment, maybe?) and I'll tell ya some.

But... I mention this 'cause I did it again. But I have reason to praise God, too.

On Monday night (or was it Tuesday?), Michelle and I went to Old Town for an Ice Cream Sundae! We were talk about how klutzy I am (and how klutzy someone else I know is!). And when we got back to the car, I stepped off the curb funny and twisted my left ankle.

Yes... same ankle I broke in my most klutzy moment. Same ankle I then re-injured on my first day of a 2 week trip to Italy. *sigh* I'm doomed.

Anyway... I was really worried because it REALLY hurt, but I could put weight on it and move it 'round and 'round. So, I was pretty sure I hadn't broken it. (Remember, I *KNOW* what it feels like to break it... this is old hat stuff for me.)

So I rested it, and kept it up most of the day yesterday (and DIDN'T walk around much at all). It was feeling better, but I couldn't risk it.

This morning, I can almost walk normally. Hardly a limp!!! Woohoo!! God is good. I was beginning to have visions of trying to navigate Night of Joy in a wheelchair again (yes... I said again!). It still hurts... and I will continue to baby it for the next week, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut... I should be good for NoJ!!

Thank you, God, for looking out for me. 'Cause obviously I don't do it very well for myself!


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